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"An other" vs "another" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
In my opinion, just because "an other" is "vanishingly rare", that doesn't make its usage "unacceptable". In my situation, which is advising (via a letter) a candidate for an employment position who has not been chosen, it doesn't seem appropriate for me to tell him that "another" candidate has been selected, but it does seem appropriate for me to tell him that "an other" candidate has been ...
grammar - Something or other vs something or another? - English ...
They're both grammatically correct, but the phrase you'll hear from native English speakers is something or other. Perhaps you're thinking of "one thing or another", which is also a common turn of phrase in English. Your question mark is correct as it is, outside the quotation marks.
Non-medical or slang synonyms for female reproductive organs
"Womb" makes me think of motherhood (which is the last thing I want to come to the readers' minds while reading these scenes) or animals. "Gash" sounds like it would be better used to describe flesh wounds. "Hole" sounds very ominous and generic. Other words like "pussy" or "c*nt" are too slang-ish, even offensive.
word choice - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
grammar - "Is there" versus "Are there" - English Language & Usage ...
Some of the beads are missing. Some of the water is gone. On the other hand, there is one indefinite pronoun, none, that can be either singular or plural; it often doesn't matter whether you use a singular or a plural verb — unless something else in the sentence determines its number.
List of expertise levels from beginner to expert [closed]
I would like to create a list of terms, from beginner to expert, using as many terms as possible which represent different levels of expertise. I have constructed by myself: Newbie Novice Rookie
conjunctions - "One another" or "one and other" - English Language ...
I thought this might have already been asked, but apparently not. Is using the phrase "one another" considered equivalent to the phrase "one and other"? Is one of the two considered right and the other wrong? To give an example: The two computers were situated relatively close to one and other.
another、other、the other 、others、the others,区别在哪里?
The other child is my brother. The others are my parents. 随后,她指了指相簿,说: My brother is also in another picture. 在Tina的介绍中,她使用到了other、others和another这三个词。那这三个词到底有什么区别呢? other的语义是“其它”,用于表示前文中所述事物属于一类的“其它 ...
What is a less offensive synonym for "retarded"?
Other words like "ignorant" don't work well because well, I don't like that word because it's misunderstood (even though it works well for how I say retarded . . for me it's like if you don't know something you should know).
Other expressions for "to be the devil's advocate"?
Hi Anne; please note the accepted answer to this question (the first one, right below the question itself) offers "For argument's sake" as an alternative. In other words, this is a good, but duplicate, answer. –
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